Sunday, January 20, 2013

A quick update to my blog this afternoon...

The screaming and crying and drooling continues so I am led to believe that they are in fact both teething and it wasn't the formula.

But who the hell knows.....

Maybe it's just babies and what they do! Ha ha!

Please send some patience our way! It's gonna be a long winter!
Meditation moment....ommmmmmm

Hey it's silent for the moment......

Snaps are the enemy, Zippers are your friend....

Other titles I also thought were appropriate for this blog:

Don't'll do whatever it takes to get a baby to stop crying
Gas drops and binkies are key to a decent nights sleep
Holy crap, just when we thought we had them somewhat figured out!

Well it's been about 2.5 weeks since my last blog and well, again I must say WOWzers I am pretty sure I am partially deaf from all the screaming and crying we have endured the last 2 weeks. It has mostly been Georgia who does the crying and screaming and not wanting to eat or sleep. I mean she was eating some, but no where near where she had been the week before and just absolutely freaking out with this blood curdling crying for hours during the day and the she would start up again for several hours in the evening. My first thought was colic? Can babies get it this late? Maybe an ear infection? My next thought was a growth spurt? But why wasn't she eating and sleeping more if she was growing? We knew she wasn't sick and didn't have a fever or any sickness symptoms, so every time she freaked out for the last 2 weeks we would run down our checklist of trying to calm her down:

Is she hungry? Feed her
Dirty diaper? Change her
Is she tired? Swaddle her, rock her, bounce her, walk her around the house
Is she too hot? Strip her naked to her diaper and lay her on her playmat and let her kick her legs (this also helps with gas)
Is she gassy/tummy ache? Give her gas drops, put her on her belly on the boppy
And when all else fails turn on the noise app on your phone that plays the oscillating fan noise and stick it next to her ear

And if all that doesn't work and you are starting to lose your mind?? Well that's where we were at....

So I decided last Thursday to call the pediatrician and take her in just to make sure she was alright. Frankie had had a couple of episodes starting the second week as well but nothing like Georgia so I just took Georgia. And guess what.....

The doctor checked her over, and said well.....she is teething. Is she drooling? I said yes she and Frankie had started to in the last week and they were both chewing on their hands more. She felt Georgia's gums and said yep I think that's what it is because she is fine otherwise.

So off to the store I went to get teething devices, some liquid Tylenol and some all natural teething dissolving tabs (as recommended by my friends after emailing them for help!!)

Let me back up for a second. About 5 days after the screaming started with Georgia I decided to try and gradually switch over to the target brand of formula because it is WAY cheaper than the similac sensitive stomach name brand formula. And as the screaming and crying continued I noticed Georgia was pooping a lot more and she and Frankie were eating less and less and Frankie was starting to cry more as well.

Sooooooo, as I sit here today I'm not sure if its the teething that is causing all the craziness or the switch to a different formula or a combination of both things over the last 2 weeks.

But today (Sunday the 20th) after these past 2 long weeks of crying and not sleeping and not eating well and giving Georgia Tylenol and teething stuff I decided to switch back to the expensive similac formula last night and again this morning. And guess what......they both slept soundly last night, woke up happy and not crying this morning, ate really well this morning, and both fell asleep with no fuss this morning. Soooo, what was causing all this?? I'm not sure if its teething, them not liking the target brand of formula, a combination of both, or some other weird baby stage??

Whatever it is/was I'm hoping we have gotten past it....please, please, please!! And it would just figure they both would have expensive taste in formula! I know this is only the beginning of them having expensive tastes like their momma! Ha ha!

This experience is definitely teaching Justin and me patience and just making us excited for the day when they can tell us what's wrong with them. It is SOOO frustrating not knowing what is wrong and trying all the methods above and they are still screaming!

I have to say though too, overall they are very good babies, but sometimes it's just hard to remember the happy times when you've just endured 2-3 hours of screaming. But they are sleeping better and longer than most babies their age and are very healthy.

I also wanted to mention things that have made our life much easier and much harder to this point just in case it can help someone else in any way!

Snap sleepers SUCK!!! When it's dark and your trying to change a baby in their room and not wake the other baby up, snaps can make you lose your mind!! Zippers are key.

Always make sure the diaper is on super tight and the diaper isn't too big for the baby cause if not, you and your baby will be covered in poop from head to toe. Just ask Justin!

Baby nail trimmers are a joke. The best thing I have found to cut their nails, (thanks to my sister in law, Kelly) are tweezerman trimming scissors. They are super tiny and sharp and perfectly rounded to trim their nails.

Any toy with lights and music is key for babies this age!! We love the baby Einstein toys and Lamaze toys.

You can get a baby to sleep longer if they wake up in the middle of the night by putting some gas drops in their mouth or on the end of a pacifier and sticking it in their mouth. Best trick ever!

The Sleep sheep that plays ocean and rain noises helps our babies sleep more soundly and longer! A definite must have!

Swaddling blankets and Velcro swaddles are amazing, but they need to invent a swaddle where the Velcro doesn't wear out or something stronger for babies like Georgia who can break out of any swaddle you put her in. Sometimes I double swaddle her in a Velcro swaddle and a swaddling blanket. Hey what ever makes them sleep, right!? Can u say baby straight jacket?

An electric swing is key because they can handle more weight and No batteries is key.

Clothing other than sleepers and onesies up until this point are pretty stupid because they basically just live in those 2 things in the winter time. We have one or 2 cute outfits in each size and really that's enough until they get bigger and we take them out more. It's probably way different if you have spring or summer babies.

Also I'm obsessed with gadgets that can help make our lives easier or speed up certain processes we do over and over again on a daily basis.

Baby Brezza- electric water kettle that is made specifically to heat baby bottle water to the perfect temp for formula bottles. Saves us HOURS of time over the week of having to heat bottles

Bottle buddy- electronic formula dispenser, all I can say is it is amazing! It also lets you make odd number size bottles which is helpful for not wasting formula

Glo egg- temperature gauge for their room, awesome to have so I know if its too hot or too cold in their room

I-gym activity center by chicco- awesome when they get to be about 2 months old. It will keep them entertained sometimes up to 30 minutes...sometimes not.

Snot sucker, aka nosefrida is awesome for getting boogies out of their noses. Those bulb syringe things you steal from the hospital don't do anything. The concept of the snot sucker is kinda gross, but whatever works, right!?

Well as I type this Georgia is screaming again.........ha ha ha! Hoping she is just hungry!

Overall we are still loving every crazy, screaming, sleepless moment of this life adventure with Georgia and Frankie! But man I had NO idea this job was going to be this challenging! The toughest job I've ever had! And I thought cold calling selling copiers was hard! Ha!

But when Georgia or Frankie laughs or smiles at us, you momentarily forget about all the hard times and the screaming and it's ALL worth it for one smile! Amazing how that works!

Well I've got to go feed a baby and its my day to nap, so I'm gonna try and take full advantage of that!

Love to all!
The girl power team and the greatest daddy ever!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

3 months old!!

Can you believe it!  I can't!  I also can't believe how long it has been since I have updated my blog!  So sorry but there is no time!!  My new life as a stay at home mom with 2 babies has changed my life in so many ways I can't believe it!  All my priorities have shifted and it is all about them now!

Lets see so let me back track a bit since I last updated 2 months ago!  The first couple months was well how do I say it nicely.....ummm the hardest most trying time in my life!!  I was trying to do everything on my own everyday feeding and changing and pumping and it all seemed to be going good in my head until the newborn adrenaline wore off and I found myself in the emergency room on a sunday afternoon.  The babies were about 4.5 weeks old and I had gone about 5 days with no sleep and about 3 days with no food, the adrenaline was wearing off and my anxiety about having these 2 tiny lives to take care of all caught up with me.  I spent 4 hours in the ER and ended up being told I had postpartum depression, anxiety, insomnia and dehydration.  They gave me a bunch of medicine to take and I went home and that's when everything changed.  We called in reinforcements (grandparents, night nannies, aunts, great-aunts, cousins, neighbors, a part-time daytime nanny) and anyone else who would come over and help!!  And boy did I need it and so did Justin!  Everybody pitched in and I just tried to work on getting better and to sleep.  I had to take each day slowly, just hour by hour, to try and mentally and physically repair and understand what was going on with my body and my new life.  It was hard, very hard.  And I have to say, my husband was SO amazing through it all!!  He stuck by me and just took charge and took care of those babies and the house and our life, so I could just work on getting myself healthy for those girls.  I definitely saw a new side of him, that I never expected to see and it was so awesome!  It made me love him even more than I knew I could.

And then slowly with all the help and support each day started to get easier and my anxiety subsided and I became more confident.  But I couldn't have done it without our amazing support team!  I think I would have drowned.

The lack of sleep the first 2.5 months, no one can prepare you for!  Especially with 2 babies!  You get one to sleep and the other one wakes up and this cycle goes on and on all night long!  Thank god for our wonderful night nannies that helped us out 3-4 nights a week so we could get some sleep!  We ended up finding them last minute though a friend of Justin's and it just so happened that they had an 8-12 week opening between their other families to help us out.  So they came from 11pm-7am on those nights and Justin and I would turn on the fan as high and loud as possible to block out the crying and it was the best paid for sleep I have ever gotten in my life!  It was priceless!

So what about the babies???  They are amazing!  I know I might be biased but they are the cutest babies I have ever seen!!  Ha ha!! The first 2 months they are really just like blobs with no reaction except for staring, crying, sleeping, pooping.  But once that first smile from Georgia appeared at a little after 2 months old, it made all that hard work the first 2 months worth it!  Frankie started to smile about a week later!  They have also started to laugh and coo at us and sometimes we even get a hint of a belly laugh from both of them!  It is so cool!  In the last couple weeks they have also gotten quite strong and can now almost hold their heads up straight on their own and they are reaching for things.  Their personalities are so different, their cries are different, and their body movements are different.  Frankie loves light up toys with music and well....the TV.  Georgia also likes the light up toys but I think she prefers just a plain old rattle or just your face in front of her.  Georgia is also a couple pounds bigger than Frankie at this point.  At their 2 month checkup (which they had to get 3 shots, but did really well with) Georgia was around 11.5lbs and Frankie was around 9lbs.  It has been almost a month since that visit, so I would think they each have probably gained another pound!  Wow, how fast they grow!  The doctor told us at their 2 month check up that they were gaining weight and growing really well and that we must be doing something right!  Words to put my mind at ease!  We will go back to the doctor the first part of February for their 4 month checkup and more shots.  Sad face!

And how are the girls sleeping at this point?  Amazingly better!  We put them down usually between 9:30-10:30 after their last feeding and they are sleeping till about 5-6am and then they go right back down till 9-9:30am!  I am hoping soon they will just drop that 5am feeding, but for now I am just happy to have those 2 nice chunks of sleep.  And yes we still have a night here and there where they are restless, but overall I am so happy with how they are doing.  We do have them on the exact same schedule, so they always eat at the same time, play at the same time and nap at the same time, which I think makes life for us a whole lot easier because now 90% of the time we know why they are crying.  Last week was the last week for the night nannies, so from this point forward we are on our own at night, but I have no worries because of the amazing progress they are making.

We also have hired a part-time daytime nanny that I mentioned earlier.  Rachel comes 3 days a week during the day to help me take care of the girls.  She is so good with them and the girls love her.  Having her around just helps me get a break to take a shower or run an errand or sleep in or take a nap.

Justin and I have also gotten great help with his family and mine so that we can get out of the house together to ensure our relationship stays healthy.  It's nice to just go to lunch or run to Target together and just reconnect.  Yes, we love being with the babies, but we need sometime away from them as well just for our sanity and to get out of the house (which sometimes can feel like it is closing in on you).

We love our new life!  The girls have completely flipped our lives upside-down, but I wouldn't change a thing.  Yes, I may not be able to run out anytime I want now, or meet up with my/our friends anytime we want, but that's ok because the times that we do get to do those things now it is extra special and means more.  But for the most part I am happy just hanging at home in my Victorias secret sweatsuit making the girls smile.  And I am feeling 100% better physically and mentally and I am already off all of the medications which is a huge relief for me!  I also think my crazy hormones are almost back to normal which after 3.5 years of messing with them, it feels nice to not feel like someone else is possessing your body.

We look forward to each new day with the girls and each new thing they start to do is so exciting!  We have taken them just a few places like relatives houses and the mall, but other than that we have tried to avoid taking them out too much because of the awful flu that has been going around and because it is so cold out now.  I am looking forward to the spring when we can take them out more and to the park and the zoo and lots of fun places with friends!

Ok, time to share some pictures!  I am going to try and start updating again more often, but hey no promises!  I got 2 babies to take care of remember!!!

Our newborn photo shoot:
Frankie and Georgia

Our new family

My little dancing girls

Love this picture!

Headed to the doctor!

Can't believe they look so small here!

Daddy and his girls napping

Georgia punching Frankie

Aunts helping us take care of the babies

Yay!  2 months old!

Hanging with Grandma

Mom and her girls

Grandma and Grandpa

Daddy and his girls

Smiling for Mom

Our Christmas outfits 

The girls with Grandpa Dave aka Santa Clause

Just hanging out

Preparing for a trip outside in the snow to the mall

Our first Christmas as a family of 4

Can't forget our furry babies!

Love to all!
Jenny, Justin, Frankie, Georgia, Delly, Annie & Pickles

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Today is my due date!

And man am I glad I didn't have to carry the girls to this point because I'm pretty sure I would have been bed ridden long ago! The good thing is it means the girls are now term and growing like crazy! It makes me a little sad to say they are growing so fast, but it also means they are strong and healthy so that's good!

So what has happened since I last blogged about 8 days ago? Well, our routine is more established now and we are still on an endless 3 hour changing/feeding/pumping schedule. I am learning how to manage the girls better on my own when Justin is at work during the day, but I won't say that it is easy. It can get a little monotonous at times, but then I look at their little faces and it is all worth it. Sleep is super valuable at this point and I try to sleep when the girls are sleeping in between the 3 hour cycles, but it's harder than you think because I'm always thinking of something I could be doing. We have just started in the last 2 nights trying to stretch the night feedings to 4 hours so we can get better chunks of sleep and so far the girls have done great and actually slept from 9-1am, then from 1:30am-5am, and then again from 5:30am-8:45am. Not bad for 3.5 weeks old! I've learned the best thing you can do for your baby is let them sleep as much as possible and a strict schedule gets them to sleep longer and better. We have also started feeding them more which I think helps fill their bellies longer, which in turn makes them sleep longer. We are doing breast milk during the day and then formula at night because 1. I'm not making enough to supply them with all their needs, and 2. formula at night time seems to make them fuller and sleep better. I'm not sure how much longer I'll keep pumping milk because it is super stressful and with 2 babies there almost isn't enough time in the day with the 3hr schedule, but I'm ok with formula if that is what we decide to do exclusively. I'm gonna play it day by day at this point and see how I'm feeling emotionally.

Getting out of the house is a rare treat, even if it is just to run to target or the drycleaner or even the ATM for 30 minutes is exciting now in my world! (No more 4 hour mall excursions for this girl) I did try to go get a manicure last Saturday while Justin was home with the girls and it turned into a huge disaster! I called and made an appointment, knowing I only had I hour to do it. Well the stupid lady didn't honor my appointment and I ended up sitting at her table for 45 minutes just prepped for the manicure, not actually having gotten anything done and finally I just lost it. I stood up walked over to the other manicurist and started crying and said, "I only had 1 hour to get a manicure and now I've been sitting here for 45 minutes and still no manicure." So I'm standing in front of a FULL nail salon of people, crying and yelling at another nail tech, and then I just walked out. Never in my life did I think I would be crying about such a thing in front of a ton of strangers, but yes there I was, walking out crying, with ugly non-manicured nails driving home. Yes, Justin does think I have lost my mind a little! And speaking of crying......I cry at everything! I was eating dinner just last night and started to ball just staring at the TV for no apparent reason at all. Justin just looks at me helpless and hugs me. And it's not like I am upset or anything, it is just sometimes things feel overwhelming (like at the nail salon), and my only reaction is to cry and then I feel much better after 5 minutes and I move on. Crazy, crazy hormones! Will I ever be normal again? I'm sure Justin is wondering if he will ever have his sane wife back again.

Enough about the crying, lets talk happy baby things! Like mustard poop! Wow, if you haven't had a baby you have NO idea about mustard poop! It is scary! And projectile milk spit up! That's another one that takes some getting used to. But the girls are beautiful and amazing and don't ever really cry unless they are hungry and I can't get enough of their sweet little faces and legs and arms and gassy smiles!!

We visited the pediatrician again last Wednesday for the girls 3 week check up and everything looks great and the girls have grown quite a bit. The nurse and doctor were very impressed! Georgia is 7lbs 4oz 21inches and Frankie is 6lbs 11oz 20.5 inches. The doctor also scheduled the hip ultrasound for the girls for 2 weeks from then which I think I already mentioned is just a precautionary thing they do with twins. Other than that's just asked lots of questions like when can the girls go out in public (minimum 6 weeks), and is projectile spit up normal (yes).

And on Tuesday last week we had our second newborn photoshoot with our photographer Brandi. It was a 3 hour ordeal and the girls were amazing and slept through 95% of it which Brandi said never happens, so she was able to get some amazing pictures! We can't wait to see them and share them with you!

Frankie and Georgia and I continue to have lots of visitors including Justin's parents and sister once a week and my friends stop by and bring me lunch a couple days a week which is really nice! Just having adult conversations is really nice when you are talking to babies all day long.

Other than all that I have mentioned, I am most of all just really happy to be caring for Frankie and Georgia everyday! I feel very lucky to have been given the honor to be their mom! Yes, this job is hard with 2 babies, but I now know I am totally capable of handling it and I'm getting more confident in my abilities to care for them daily. Justin continues to be an amazing dad and is totally hands on with changing diapers, feeding, rocking, and just loving on them. It's amazing to watch!

Well I think that's all for now. Yes, I should be napping, but I just couldn't resist a little catch up blog!

Here are some fun pictures below:

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Birthday and welcome to the world!!!!

This blog was started the day of the girls births, so I thought I would finish it and continue from that day until now and make this a really long catch up blog.
So without further ado:

I can't believe today is finally here! I decided I would write today's blog, as I go to remember how I'm feeling throughout the day.  

I didn't sleep very well at all last night which I expected and was finally able to fall asleep around 1:30am.  I slept till 5:15am when my wonderful husband woke me up to a breakfast of scrambled cheese eggs, turkey sausage, and thick and fluffy eggo waffle drenched in syrup like I like it, skim milk and a cup of hazelnut decaf coffee. Yum, right!? Yea, I thought it would be too, but just like I thought I was so nervous I could barely eat.  I did what I could to get some of it down and then actually was able to fall back asleep for a couple hours which was unexpected but nice.

I woke up to my phone going crazy with text messages, emails, facebook messages for well wishes which made me feel really good, but still nervous.

I got ready that morning and made sure I put on my makeup and did my hair knowing that at least I would look good in pictures no matter what happened.  I used waterproof mascara which i knew i would appreciate later!

So we headed to the hospital around 11:30am and checked in.  I was pretty nervous the whole time but tried not to show it.  After check in we were ushered into a room that we would later learn was an overflow room because apparently everyone decided to have their babies that day!!  I put on my lovely hospital gown and hospital issue yellow non-slip socks and laid down on the hospital bed.  The first nurse assigned to us was Kim and she did all kinds of things to me; placed elastic bands around my belly with heart monitors attached to them to monitor the babies heart rates on the screen above me (which was very cool to watch), drew my blood for some tests, asked me a million medical questions, took my vitals, started my IV, and asked me some more questions.  This process seemed to take forever!!  And it didn't help that I was already really nervous and there was a huge clock right in front of my bed so the minutes to countdown were staring me in the face!!


Next the anesthesiologist, Hope came in and told me what would happen in the OR regarding the entire procedure, how the spinal block worked, and that she would be the one right by my head making sure I was ok.  She was super nice and made me very comfortable, but still quite nervous!

Then the doctor came in and let us know that my 2pm scheduled csection was going to be pushed back because there was a scheduled csection of twins before me and then an emergency twin pregnancy had just arrived at the hospital so we would be pushed back behind the 2nd emergency twin birth.  Great!! More time to lay in the hospital bed and stare at the clock and get more nervous!  Justin and my mom stayed with me and also periodically went to the waiting room to update the other grandparents.

  Justin had been given his scrubs, shoe covers and mask early on and he had put them on right away, and I must say I'm kinda bummed my husband isn't a doctor because damn did he look hot in those scrubs!  Those nurses better back off, he's mine ladies!  And yes I made him steal the scrubs and bring them home, ha ha! TMI!

Finally at 3:30pm it was our turn, and did I ever get scared in a hurry.  I had to walk into the OR and here is how it felt/went in my mind.  I walk into this white room with a million machines and lights and there are what feels like a million people in the room (really like 16) staring at you!  I sit on one side of the table and immediately start crying because that is my automatic reaction when I am scared.  The surgical nurse assistant, Andy (girl), has me hunch over and hug her while Hope the anesthesiologist starts to put in my spinal block.  I'll have to say the most painful part is what they were calling (mushing my spine) to find the right spot to put it in.  It made me cry harder.  I just wanted Justin there and he couldn't come in until moments before the surgery began.  So I held tight to Andy and cried.  And the spinal block was in before I knew it and the only thing I felt was the bee sting of the numbing needle.  Then they quickly had me lay on the table and things went VERY quickly from that moment on starting with the large blue drape being put up in front and over me so I couldn't see anything.  My legs went numb and it felt like i was levitating on the table.  Kind of a cool feeling, but i was still scared that maybe the medicine didn't work right and I'd feel something, luckily that was just my crazy thoughts and i couldn't feel anything painful.  Then from there it was all about what I could hear and smell and Hope's face and concentrating on her to keep me calm.  

Justin came in about 5 minutes later and things began immediately! Hope guided Justin and I through what was happening and kept pumping me full of drugs for pain and because I kept getting nauseous.  Her voice was very calming and reassuring.  And then before we knew it the doctor says Baby A is first and here she comes, Hope yells out Baby 1 time 3:46pm and all of a sudden I look right and see this beautiful baby girl that the doctor is holding up and I start crying and I knew, Frankie Paige was here!  Then about 15 seconds later the doctor says here comes Baby B and I notice lots of pressure because someone was sitting on top of me pushing her out.  And then Hope says Baby 2 time 3:46pm, and the doctor says, ummm that is the same minute, and Hope says ok wait, wait, ok Baby 2 3:47pm.  Ha ha!  I would learn later that insurance and the birth certificate people freak out for some reason if the babies are listed as having the exact same birth minute, but I will always remember to tell the girls that actually they have the exact same birthday down to the minute.  And with Baby B the doctor once again brought her over and I knew, that was our beautiful little Georgia Star.  And this whole time Justin is snapping away with the camera and was able to capture some of the most amazing first pictures of our girls, and I am so grateful for that because honestly I kinda felt like I was in shock the whole time I was in the OR.
Damn, my eyes are closed!

  And from my vantage point once the girls were born I could only see Frankie's warmer and I kept seeing them yell at her to breath and put an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth which was adding to my shock and being scared.  I just kept saying over and over, is everything ok with me, with them?  And Justin kept reassuring me that everything was ok, but Frankie was having some issues breathing.  The nurses then brought the girls over one at a time and then together so I could see them and take pictures with them while they were putting me back together again.  And I must say the 2 things I remember very clearly through this whole time is 1, my sense of worry for these 2 little beings I just met was so great and 2, the smell of burning flesh.  Ok, yea weird! Nuff said!  Guess I should mention the girls were:
Frankie Paige: 5lbs 11oz  19inches
Georgia Star: 5lbs 14oz 20 inches
(Great weights for twins at 36.5 weeks gestation!!)

So after pictures and sewing me up, Frankie was rushed to the NICU for her breathing issues and Justin accompanied her while they tucked Georgia in my arms and took me to a recovery room. 

My poor baby girl, Frankie!

 The next few hours are quite blurry from all the drugs they gave me, but I remember being in recovery, trying to nurse Georgia, and throwing up quite often which you can imagine is quite painful after abdominal surgery.  Also I remember all 3 sets of grandparents coming in to see me and Georgia Star.  They were all excited to see her, meet her and hear her name.  It was very cool to see how excited they were.  I was pretty bummer that Frankie wasn't there and I constantly worried about her.  Justin also decided to give me my push present then which was a beautiful diamond, pink Sapphire band to wear with my wedding ring as a band.  It was absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait till my swelling goes down so I can wear my wedding ring and the band! 

After several hours in recovery, they moved me to a regular room.  But on the way we stopped in the NICU in my hospital bed so I could see and hold Frankie.  It was so awesome to hold her, but so hard because she was hooked up to all these machines and looked so helpless and tiny.  And it was difficult because I was so sick and nauseous that we had to cut our visit short because I was so sick.  

The next day and a half I spent recovering in my hospital room and spending every 3 hours feeding Georgia, while Justin would go down to the NICU to visit Frankie and help feed her. 

Justin hanging with Frankie

 By the 2nd day I was feeling a little better and got to go visit Frankie by wheelchair and also started moving around.  

Justin, Me, and Georgia

Georgia Star

The next 2 days were pretty much the same with us establishing a 3 hour routine with both girls and ourselves of changing diapers, feeding, burping, swaddling, loving and kissing them and putting them back to sleep around the clock.  In the hospital there is always someone coming into your room about once an hour to check your vitals, give you meds, check the baby, etc, so sleep isn't something you get much of, so this 3 hour schedule seemed pretty easy to adhere to because you were always awake anyway.  And I think Justin and I were running on straight adrenaline because we were so excited and in love with Frankie and Georgia.

On Friday, I was feeling good enough to have visitors besides grandparents, and it was nice to have friends and family come up to meet our little bundles.  We also had visitors on Saturday and Sunday although at times the amount of visitors was a little overwhelming for me because all I wanted to do was sleep.  One awesome surprise we had was a visit from my fertility doctor and the nurse Shawnee!!  We knew Shawnee was coming for a visit, but they surprised us with the doctor coming as well!  It was so awesome and a full circle moment!  Yes, I cried a little!

  My doctor checked on me daily and decided since Frankie was in the NICU and probably would be for several more days that he would pull some strings and find something to keep me in the hospital an extra night so we could all stay near Frankie and visit her regularly.  She was making great progress daily and each time we visited it seemed there was some sort of improvement or another positive update.  

On Monday evening Georgia and I were discharged from the hospital and headed home without Frankie.
Heading home with Georgia

It was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I knew she was in good hands, we would visit her daily and she would be home soon.  And in all honesty it had been good for Justin and I in the hospital to learn the ropes with one baby, and we assumed it would be an ease into things bringing one baby home at a time.  

When we got home the first thing we had to do was introduce Georgia to her furry sisters!  Annie was curious, but didn't seem to mind much, Pickles just barked at her when she fussed or cried and Delly just wanted to sniff her and seemed the most disturbed by her presence.  I was relieved by their reactions and knew that they would adjust well after a couple days.  

The first night was interesting but mostly non-eventful.  We stuck to our 3 hour changing, feeding, burping, swaddling, back to sleep schedule and Georgia did fairly well with not much fussing.  It seemed fairly easy for us to trade off jobs so that we could take turns, but oh how this would change when we had 2 babies at home.  More on that in a minute.  So for the next 5 days with the help of Justin and my mom we stuck to the schedule and just enjoyed having this awesome new little human in our world!
Georgia's first bath!

  And every day my mom and I would pack up Georgia and all our/her and Frankie's feeding stuff and head to the hospital to do 1-2 nursing sessions with Frankie.  It was very tiring and stressful, especially since I was only a week out from having major surgery, but it was all worth it seeing Frankie's face, getting to hold her, and putting she and Georgia together in her crib to get to know each other again after having been separated since birth.

A little sleep deprived, but hanging in there!

Georgia & Frankie hanging out

Mommy & Daddy with the girls hanging in the NICU

  I'm sure they missed each other!  Justin also visited Frankie 1-2 times nightly for her evening feedings which on top of all the middle of the night feedings he did with her while we were in the hospital really gave he and Frankie a special bond.  I was in awe of how diligent he was with making sure he was with Frankie as much as possible.  

Wednesday the 10th Georgia had her first pediatrician appointment for a weight check. The pediatrician said she looked great and had gained weight and that she should continue on the 3hr schedule for now and that the doctor was looking for another .5lb weight gain in a week.  She said her feeding amounts were great and would probably start to increase.  Let me just say, Georgia is an eater!!  So we have no worries about her gaining weight and eating more!

Saturday morning the 13th we were told to call the NICU to see if Frankie had gotten her walking papers and could come home!! And guess what, they said she was healthy enough to come home!!  I couldn't get out of the house fast enough with Justin to get up to the hospital to get our other baby girl home!!  And I have to say we are forever grateful to the nicest, most amazing, kind, talented nurses and doctors in the NICU!  They were so great with Frankie and so cool and kind to us and all our family and friends we brought to visit Frankie.  We will forever be indebted to them.  So at about 10:30 on Saturday morning we walked through our house door with Frankie in our arms and everything felt complete!  Our family was all together and home!  Deep breath of relief!

Frankie & Georgia's first baths together

Our family is complete and all home together!

Monday the 15th we returned to the pediatrician for a weight check and overall check for both girls.  The doctor said they both looked great and Frankie, who needed to gain weight more than Georgia had gained 3oz in just the 2 days she had been home with us!!  The doctor said she was very impressed and had no worries in our parenting capabilities.  Yay!  We passed the first of many tests as parents!  

So it has been a week today since Frankie came home and Justin and I couldn't be more in love with each other, these 2 little miracle girls, and our new life!  Is it life changing having 1 baby let alone 2 babies, YES!!!  Are we so sleep deprived its amazing we are even awake and coherent? YES! 

My mom has been here for the last 2 weeks and just left yesterday (Friday) and was a HUGE help in easing us into our new life with 2 newborns.  She helped in every way possible; laundry constantly, bottle making, running a million errands, driving me to doctor appointments and to/from the hospital, rocking babies, feeding babies, changing diapers, making meals, running out for food.  You name it, she did it this week for us!  And Justin and I are forever grateful for all her help, love and support!  We couldn't have gotten this far and established somewhat of a routine without her!  So thank you Momma!  We are forever grateful and indebted to you!  Also thank you Bruce for letting us steal her away from you for 2 weeks.  

Thanks mom for taking care of all of us the last 2 weeks!

Anyway, back to what I was saying.  How is our life changed now that we have twins?  We are on an endless 3 hour schedule of changing diapers, warming bottles, feeding, pumping, rocking and trying in between all that to get 1.5 hour chunks of sleep.  Sometimes it happens and sometimes one of them is fussy and that 1.5 hours gets cut to 30 minutes.  But honestly I love every minute and wouldn't change a second of it!  Why are we on a 3 hr schedule?  Well since the babies were premature and small the doctors and our pediatrician likes to get some weight on them.  So for the first month we are on round the clock 3hr feeds and we wake the babies even if they are sleeping at 9, 12, 3, 6, and 9.  Aside from the baby schedule we try to keep up with their and our laundry, running the dishwasher constantly with bottles, and just making sure and checking in with each other that we are both still doing ok which I think is really important.  Other things that have changed include I now have an audience of 2 babies in nap nannies when I shower (when I can get a shower!).
My shower audience!

  Sometimes it's a choice between a nap and a shower and let me just say I choose deodorant as a coverup at this point just to get some extra sleep! Gross, but hey what can I say?!  I also am now ambidextrous and can do most things one handed or with my feet, in the dark or with my eyes closed.  Justin is the king of diaper changes and I am the bottle making/pumping queen!  I have also learned to bottle feed both babies at the same time which makes feeding go much quicker, but requires a precise boppy/baby/bib set up for it to be successful!  Practice makes perfect right!?

Double bottle feeding!

Frankie and Georgia are very happy babies and don't cry often except for a little cry or whimper here and there if they are hungry or have a dirty diaper.  They sleep in our room for now in the twin pack and play on one side together.  And it's the cutest thing when we lay them in there to go to bed we put them on opposite ends and somehow they end up squirming and laying right next to each other by the time we wake them up for their next feeding!  You can tell they really like being close and touching each other when they sleep, and we notice they sleep more soundly when doing so.  The babies also are very responsive to music and Justin is constantly playing music for them when we are changing them and feeding them and it seems to make them much calmer. 

So cute!

Our biggest change at this point is the lack of sleep.  It is unbelievable!  I am actually not even sure how I am awake most of the time or able to even have a conversation with people because my brain feels like mush.  Which is why we have decided to hire a nurse night nanny 3 nights a week to help with the sleep deprivation.  We are interviewing the 2 nurses who work together tomorrow and hoping we love them and  if so they will start Monday evening and be here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday overnights.  I think this will be a huge help and hopefully 3 full nights of sleep will help make us feel more human and help us to feel like we are at our best for Frankie and Georgia!  

What is the best most awesome thing about this whole journey?? Just staring at them for hours on end and not believing they are really mine, and most of all discovering that I now know what my job is in life!!! Being a mom!  I love it! It feels like the job I have been searching for, for a really long time!  It feels complete!  I'm so in love with Frankie, Georgia, and Justin and everything about my life and I have never been happier!

Whew!  Ok, I think I'm caught up on almost 2.5 weeks!  Things I've forgotten to mention in detail but I will mention briefly:

Explosive poopy diapers are scary! Don't ever let anyone tell you different!
If you think you feet are swollen during pregnancy just wait till a week after pregnancy, holy moly elephantitus!  

Wow, unbelievable!  I had to show you!

Pregnancy hormones are crazy, but after pregnancy hormones are just as bad, and I cry at really stupid stuff!
If you have an amazing husband like mine, he will see and do things for you after childbirth that are asking a lot of someone and that will make you love him even more.
Oh and I went to the doctor for my 3 week checkup on Friday and Missy the nurse said everything looks great with me and my incision and I have lost........wait for it........30lbs in 2.5 weeks since birth!!! Can you believe it? Wow, I'm amazed!  I just have another 20lbs, which is the weight I gained during the 3 years of hormones I ingested, so I'm more than half way back to my goal weight! I'm very excited to get back to my goal weight and jeans!

Their first big outing to my doctor with me!  I had to dress them up with hair bows!

Me and my girls!

Snuggle photo!

Another cute sleepy photo!

I've decided that I will continue to keep a small update blog going on here to update what is going on with the girls because it has been so helpful in communicating everything to friends and family near and far.  So if you continue on our journey with us, yay!  If you've had enough of my ranting and crazy I understand that too!

That's it for now because I've got to go stare at my girls some more who are already 2.5 weeks old! Can you believe it! Wow, time flies! I want them to stay tiny forever!

Thanks for following our journey to become parents and here's hoping our journey as parents includes many more happy times!

All our love!
Jenny, Justin, Frankie, Georgia, Annie, Adel, and Pickles!
Justin +6 girls