Monday, February 6, 2012

Sunday and today!

We went in Sunday morning bright and early for the retrieval.  I got into my lovely open-backed hospital gown and the embryologist, Aaron, took Justin to his room to provide his sample.  I waited for a bit and sat and talked with the nurse coordinator, Shawnee and my favorite nurse Jennifer.  I have become very close with both of them, so it was nice to just chat with them and feel relaxed before having my procedure.  The anesthesiologist was also there chatting with us.  I just love the environment.  Justin came back and the anesthesiologist said she was going to start my IV.  I held on hard to Justin's hand and told myself I wasn't going to cry this time.  And guess what!!!  I didn't! We all had a good laugh at my expense because everyone in the office knows by now what a baby I am when it comes to needles.  So IV done, and then the doctor showed up.  He sat down in a chair by the other 2 nurses and we all chatted it up for about 5 minutes about sports and the Super Bowl.  It's so cool to have a staff and doctor who are so down to earth and cool.  Then Shawnee said it was time, so I hopped off the gurney trying not to flash anyone my backside and I shuffled into the procedure room.  Justin waited outside as they closed the door and I laid on the table.  And then I was out.  The procedure I was told took about 20 minutes.

The first thing I said when I woke up was that I had been in a warehouse with Whitney Houston and Paula Abdul!!  Ha ha ha!!  Not sure where that came from, but everyone had a good laugh!  I woke up in quite a bit of pain and the doctor and nurses came over along with the anesthesiologist to ask me what my pain level was at.  I said a 7, so they gave me some morphine for the pain.  It didn't seem to do much, so after about 10 minutes, they gave me a little more, which seemed to do the trick.  The doctor came over and said they had retrieved 3 eggs.  But where was the 4th one we had seen on ultrasound?  Well, he said they worked and worked and flushed it and aspirated it and could not get the egg out of the follicle.  Apparently sometimes that happens if the follicle gets too big.  But he said the 3 they got looked really good and mature!

After that I got dressed and they wheeled me out to the car to head home.  I was told Aaron the embryologist would call me Monday with the egg qualities and to tell us how many had fertilized.  I spent Suberbowl Sunday on the couch, sleeping most of the day.  I was in a little more pain this time around because they had to do so much maneuvering with my ovaries to get the eggs out.  Not fun!!  But by the evening I was doing pretty well and getting up and around.

This morning I woke up to a phone call from the embryologist with the results.  So here we go!!!

We had 3 mature eggs, with a mature quality of M2.  YES!!!!!  Hurray!!!  (Remember we only had M1 quality last time, and M2 is better!)  He said out of those three eggs 2 fertilized!!!!  So we are at double the amount we had last time and a better more mature quality!  I'll take it!

So, we will head back to the office on Wednesday for the transfer of the 2 embryos!!  I am super pumped and excited!  Although, for most people getting 2 embryos out of an IVF cycle is low, it is what we have to work with and it is better than none right!?

I just hope this is our time!

Oh, also I started the dreaded HUGE needle progesterone shots on Sunday directly after my procedure.  These are the oil based ones that go in your butt.  I will do them every morning until we get the results, 2 weeks after the transfer. (Well I say I will do them, but lets be honest, my awesome nurse husband administers them every morning.  Thanks baby!)  Then if we are pregnant, I will continue to do them for like 8-10 weeks or something like that.  I will also continue on the Predisone steroid prescription for about 8-10 weeks if we are pregnant.

If this whole experience has taught me anything it is that, patience is virtue!  Everything is hurry up and wait!  So once again, I will sit here and wait till Wednesday until we do the transfer and then patiently wait the 2 weeks till we find out if it worked.  Ugh, I hate being patient!  But this must be one of my life's big learning lessons.  So in the meantime, please send good thoughts to those 2 little embryos to grow big and strong!  We appreciate all your support, messages, love and prayers!

Patiently waiting.....
Injections: 116
Blood Draws: 16 Vials: 40
IV's: 4

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