Monday, October 1, 2012

I am 9 months pregnant with twins....

Wow, every step, every week of this journey has been a milestone for me, but this is the last major stepping stone before our ultimate goal is finally achieved!!! I can't believe it is just 2 days away!

I can't say I've done a whole lot since my last update on Thursday. I have just been relaxing and Justin and I have been reminding ourselves to enjoy every last moment and the last weekend we had together just him and I. We have also both been talking a lot about our excitement, nervousness, expectations of each other, and really we have come to the conclusion that it isn't going to seem real to either of us until we are holding them in our arms and walking through our front door.

This journey has also taught Justin and I a lot about how to communicate better with each other and try to not resort back to our old bad ways of dealing with tuff issues. I'm hoping getting all of our stuff out in the open with each other the last year and a half will help us be better parents and also more compassionate, calm and understanding of one another.

So I'll sum up a couple things in this last of my pregnancy weekly updates. First, just for my memory sake, (not for complaining sake) here is what I am feeling physically in the last portion of my pregnancy:

Swollen feet, ankles, and knuckle joints
Very sore painful groin, pelvis
Skin around my belly button feels very thin and stretched and hurts to touch
All of my moles on my body have grown bigger (I know, weird, but apparently normal)
My belly feels very heavy and like it is pulling me forward/down
If I am in bed or on the couch it is very hard and painful to roll over or try and get up
I snore very loudly at night out of my mouth
Sometimes the babies movements are so strong it feels like they are going to punch through my belly and escape and it is painful, but most times it isn't painful and just very cool to watch them moving
I waddle when I walk
The only clothes my belly/body fits into comfortably are old navy tank tops, gap pure body tshirts, maxi dresses, sweatpants, sports bras, and lulu lemon yoga pants
It is hard to sleep at night and I still wake up 2-4 times to go to the bathroom
I haven't worn my wedding ring or A wedding ring in months
None of my shoes except for my size 10 flip flops fit my feet
I am out of breath after doing anything or sometimes nothing

Mentally here is how I feel like the last 9+ months have felt:

We are trying to get pregnant: Cautiously optimistic

We have failed 5 IUI and 2 IVF cycles:

We decided to give it one more round of IVF:
Not hopeful (trying to use reverse psychology on myself at that point)

Took a pregnancy test in February & it was positive:

Found out it was twins:

Being pregnant for 9 months with twins:
Amazing, unbelievable, mind blowing, draining, crazy, hormonal, happy, sad, nervous, excited, unable to grasp reality, and most of all grateful!

Well, I am just going to relax today and tomorrow and just try to soak in the quiet and try to keep myself from getting too anxious or nervous about Wednesday. Justin and I are going to measure my belly one last time Wednesday morning and also take one last belly picture that I will post before we head to the hospital at noon. (I found an app for my phone that will let me blog and post pictures from my phone instead of having to be at my computer which is awesome, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to update.) Then Wednesday afternoon we will celebrate the twins arrival and birthday!

Funny, I had a dream last night that I have birth to 2 babies who were each 1cm big and I kept dropping them on the carpet at home and losing them, kinda like that movie, Honey I shrunk the Kids!! Then the babies turned into small chihuahuas and then into dark skinned babies from India. So weird!!

Ok, here is my belly pictures for the 36th week of my pregnancy:

Jenny & Justin +5

1 comment:

  1. I think you are facing more difficulty to carry as they are twins. Anyway congrats!!

    Pregnancy Symptoms Week by Week
