Monday, June 18, 2012

21 Weeks!

Another week down!!  And another week to be grateful that I am pregnant!  I can't say that I have many exciting things to tell you about this week.  All was pretty quite and normal.  Chores around the house, and errands (yes, I am still limiting myself to a couple places a day), ya know stuff like that.  We went to our second multiples class last Monday and again there was lots of useful "general" information, but I still feel like, for a class that is supposed to be about pregnancy/birth and caring for multiples, the nurse instructor doesn't seem to talk much about scenarios with 2+ babies.  Sooooo, we were debating going to the last class tonight, and after some discussion we decided we will just go and finish it out.  Oh, and I just have to mention, 2 of the girls in my class are 30 and 31 weeks along, and both have been to the hospital already a couple times they said for early contractions and labor, which obviously the hospital stopped with some sort of drugs.  I am really hoping this doesn't happen to me because it sounds scary, but the nurse instructor said it is quite common when carrying multiples.  (Oh, so she did say one thing about multiples, there you go!)

The nurse instructor also took us on a brief tour of the labor and delivery floor.  (we are scheduled to take an in-depth tour in a couple weeks)  I think we learned the most useful information there about the process of birthing twins, and where they will be born and so on.  Multiples are a little different because they are not born in a regular labor room.  They are always born in an operating room because there is more room for the 2 teams of people and in case of an emergency it is better to be prepared for anything in there.  We also learned that Justin is the only person besides medical personal allowed in the delivery (no matter if it is c-section or vaginal delivery) because there are just too many other medical people in the room.  I should mention again, we still haven't really figured out with our doctor how these babies will be born, and it seems to me he likes it to be a last minute decision, so I am learning to let go and just go with the flow and not have a plan.

On wednesday, Saturday and Sunday this past week we had things to do outside and it is quite hot and humid here right now, and before I even step foot outside, actually when I wake up in the morning and it is this hot and humid I am already swollen in my feet, ankles, and fingers.  And the swelling continues to get worse the longer I am out in the elements.  Ha ha, actually as I am typing this I just looked down at my fingers and they look like sausages!  Yes, it is hot and humid again here today.  Oh well, what are you going to do right?  I continue to soak my feet in the foot spa bath thing I have and I think it helps, but who knows.

This week I did cross off a couple things on my list of things to do before the babies get here.  One was put the stroller together that was sitting in the massive box in our front entry way.  (thanks mom and Bruce!!)  Justin dumped it out for me and on thursday when he went out of town I began the task of putting it together.  And I was shocked at how user friendly the instructions were and how easy it was to put together.  Thank you European stroller makers!  I will post a picture below of the final product.  It is so pretty and makes me really excited!!  Justin and I were pushing it around the front room the other night, ha ha!  The other thing I began doing was making a playlist of music for the hospital.  Most of the songs I have added to it so far are happy mellow songs, and many from the 80's that I remember my mom singing to me.  We were told by the nurse instructor that we can have music in our labor room and can probably request to have our music played in the delivery/operating room where the twins will be born no matter if it is vaginally or c-section.

I went to the chiropractor on Monday and Friday for my leg/feet issue and it seems to be helping about 50%, so I am going to continue to go.  I have also started to get an annoying back muscle pain on my left side (which is an old problem that has resurfaced).  I am assuming it is because I have this huge belly pulling me forward and because I sit/stand and sleep in very weird positions now.

The best news of the week is that I think (crossing my fingers) that the nausea is completely gone!!!  I have not been nauseous at all this past week and I have been able to eat dinner every night!  Hurray!!!!!  You have no idea what a relief it is and how big I am smiling right now while typing that sentence!  I will trade nausea ANYDAY for swollen ankles and a backache!!

One other thing I have to mention because it was the coolest part of my week.  We went to a friends daughters 1st birthday party on Saturday and immediately after we walked in the door this girl comes up to me and says, "I know you don't know who I am but I just want you to know I follow your blog and it has been very helpful and insightful in my own journey, so thank you."  Umm, I wanted to cry!  Good tears of course, but I refrained since I didn't want the people at the party to think I was a hormonal emotional pregnant lady!  But honestly, HOW freaking cool is that!  I am helping and affecting people I don't even know with my little rambling blog.  I never imagined that is what this outlet would do.  I have no words.

A little later in the party I ended up sitting and talking with her for a little while about her "trying to get pregnant" journey.  She asked me lots of questions and it is funny how it was hard for me to even remember some of the things she was asking about from early on in our infertility journey.  I'm not sure if that is just how the mind works, or because I have major forgetful pregnancy brain, but it seems like soooo long ago already that we couldn't get pregnant.  It is like my mind is trying to block out those bad memories and focus on the present.   Either way I told her I would email her the info I had once I went back and re-read a couple of my own blogs to refresh myself.  So thank you (you know who you are)  for making my day/week/month!!  And I hope I can help you on your journey as well.

Oh and congrats to our friends Natalie and Dane on the birth of their little girl Aubrey on Friday!!  She is super cute!

 Well I think that about sums up the week.  Here are some pictures from the week and my belly picture.

Babies are the weight and size of pomegranates but the length is a carrot this week

Another one with the "belly hand hold"

The before picture

All put together, yay me!!

Very cool!  Can't wait to use it!  Justin wanted to test it with the chihuahuas, but I said NO because of the dog hair, ha ha!

I am not going to do the milestone questions this week.  I will do them next week after our doctor appt.

Jenny & Justin +5 girlies!!

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