Sunday, July 8, 2012

I've made it to the 6 month pregnancy mark!!

6 months pregnant!!

Can you believe it!!?? Wow, what a journey these 6 months have been and I'm sure the journey will only continue to get more interesting, exciting, scary, and realistic.  Sometimes I still wake up in the morning and forget I am pregnant until I turn back the covers and see my huge belly.

I spent this week trying to hibernate from the unbearable heat outside, but knowing me at all, you know I didn't do that very well.  Our handyman was over 2 days to work on refinishing and painting the dresser and side table for the nursery and other frames and odd jobs as well.  And I must say the furniture looks amazing!! I will share some pictures below.  The cribs and gliders/ottomans should be arriving in the next week or so and I can't wait to have all the main elements of the nursery done!!

I felt extremely tired all week, but I think at least half of that tiredness is attributed to the over 100 degree temperatures everyday!  I have also been having these brief moments of what I can only describe as a 2 second rush of excitement/anxiety.  It happens about 10 times a day and kinda freaks me out a little, but as I learned from our appointment it is most likely due to all the extra blood pumping through my body.  Good to know it is normal and I'm not having a heart attack or a panic attack.

We headed to our 2 week doctor appointment and ultrasound on Thursday.  First, was the ultrasound with the new tech Shana.  We started like normal by measuring my cervix length, which you want to be long and mine looks extra long which is awesome considering many women have problems with it shortening with twins.  (Shortening btw is bad because it means you can go into labor or start dilating early).   After that she started doing the usual checks of each baby and about 3 minutes in I started to get nauseous, light-headed, and clammy.  She stopped and I sat up immediately and it continued to get worse.  I thought I was going to fall on the floor and pass out.  Justin held my hand to stable me and put a cold rag on my neck and after about 5 minutes of sitting up I started to feel better.  She said this is very common with twins because the angle of the table puts the babies in such a position that they are compressing either my spine or some sort of blood flow.  She had me lay on my left side and continued the ultrasound that way, which was much more comfortable for me and I didn't feel bad at all.  She said from now on just remind her and we can try to do the majority of my ultrasounds on my sides so that this doesn't happen again.  Thank goodness because it was starting to freak me out and also make me mad because the ultrasounds are where we get to see the babies moving and it is so comforting and neat to watch.  But this sick, pass out feeling was really putting a damper on these moments.  

Anyway, we headed to see the nurse practitioner after that.  And I must say if I haven't said it before, we really really like her.  She is super down to earth and easy to talk to.  I kinda wish she was the doctor, but hey I'm just grateful I get to see her every other visit.  She said everything in the ultrasound looks great and I had gained another 3lbs over the last 2 weeks, which puts me at a total weight gain of 11lbs.  I sure feel like it is much more than that, but as she said everything I am gaining is in my belly, which is why I feel like it is more because all I can see is my belly.  Ok, yes I am grateful it is all belly!  I had some strange, gross and unusual questions for her this time, and I won't go into detail on here, but I just have to say some very weird and gross things happen when you are pregnant and apparently they are totally normal!!! Scary!! There is a reason pregnant women don't tell women who haven't been pregnant about these things because it would make you think twice.  So these are things you must just experience on your own, enough said!  She also agreed that my being extra tired was due to having 2 babies in there, and the extreme heat and there really isn't much I can do other than relax and sleep.  She measured my belly and it is measuring 31 weeks!!  (it is measured in centimeters by the way, not inches like I thought before). Soooo, that means I am measuring about 2 months ahead, WOW!! She said this is still normal and since I am all belly, it makes sense that it would be measuring so far ahead.  I am just super grateful that everything is progressing normally and there is nothing to worry about at this point.

Justin and I got a couples massage on Saturday and it felt so good on my tired aching body.  But, this lady had a lot to live up to after my amazing massage in Colorado, and did she?? Nope, not even close, but it still felt really good.  

Last night, Saturday, as I was laying in bed about 10:30pm trying to get comfortable and fall asleep Baby A started kicking and was totally awake and so I couldn't exactly fall asleep.  Then she woke Baby B up and Baby B was going crazy flipping and moving.  I put my hand on my belly and it was sooooo strange, cool,and bizarre to feel the strong movements and wave-like motions with my hand, but not only that......I turned on the light and you could see Baby B moving through my skin like an alien trying to escape my belly.  I woke Justin up because I didn't want him to miss it since it was the first time I had felt or seen such dramatic strong movements.  He was in awwww as well and we both just stared at my stomach for like 5 minutes watching the waves.  We both laughed at one point and said it reminded us of that alien thing from the movie total recall, ha ha ha!  

Well the weather is supposed to finally start going back down to the low 90's and 80's this next week and I am super excited about that!!  Hopefully my ankles and fingers will enjoy it as well and not be so sausage-like.  

Here are my belly pictures, ultrasound photos, and some nursery update pictures as well.  Enjoy!

Babies are the size of cantaloupes!  They are getting big!

How far along?   24 weeks or 6 months!!
Total weight gain/loss:  11 lbs gained total
Stretch marks?  Nope!!  Please stay away!
Sleep:   Still about the same, sometimes yes, sometimes no
Best moment this week:  Seeing the babies faces on the screen so clear and the alien movements coming out of my belly
Miss Anything?   Having energy
Movement:   Yes, like crazy visible from the outside and getting stronger on the inside
Food cravings?  Burger King chocolate milkshakes
Anything making you queasy or sick:   Been having some nauseousness again at night, ugh!
Have you started to show yet:  Umm, strangers are asking me if the baby is coming soon, so I think I must look like I am close to popping
Labor Signs:   Nope not yet
Belly Button in or out?   Fully out, no more hiding it or denying it
Wedding rings on or off?  Off, fake one on sometimes
Happy or Moody most of the time:   Happy, but tired
Weekly Wisdom:   Oh, I have to wisdom this week because the heat sucked everything out of me.  Hoping that means I will have lots next week!
Looking forward to:   More nursery decorating and organizing, sleep and more sleep....Zzzzzz

Here is a side view picture looking at the tops of both of the babies heads.  

A cute profile picture of Baby A.  The worm thing in the top middle is the umbilical cord.

Look closely in the middle of the screen and you can see Baby A's face.  Forehead is on the left.

A footprint

Baby B's face.  Baby A's foot is on the far right the then you see Baby B's forehead, eyes, nose and mouth.  Very cool!  Can't decide who she looks like??

Here is the dresser that we (I mean my handyman Jerry) refinished.  I love it!!  I still need to paint the handles and put them back on, but so far so good.

Here is what it looked like before.  Thanks Gabby!!

The side table that will go next to the glider.  Used to be an old sewing table.

Heading to bed!  Night Night!

Jenny & Justin +5

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