I spent this last week (my 28th week of pregnancy) running errands, working on the nursery, trying to relax a little, having lunch with friends, and working on 2 craft projects for the nursery. (I will take pictures of my craft projects once the nursery is complete.) Mostly just nesting stuff. I can't say that it has been too exciting and I get tired super fast, so everything takes 30 times as long to accomplish because I have to stop and rest a lot.
I went to the mall one day and I had 4 stores I needed to go to. OMG!!! After 2 stores I was so exhausted, old people were lapping me I was waddling so slow! And you know what is funny, there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. It isn't like I can try and speed up, I am just this slow moving barge, ha ha!! Needless to say I paid the price that night for walking so much because I was so sore once I laid on the couch for a bit, that I could barely get back up.
How am I feeling at 29 weeks pregnant with twins? Overall, pretty good. I still have the stiffness, swelling, and joint pain in my hands and fingers. The worst thing at this point is my groin, inner thigh, pelvis soreness. I have kinda grown accustomed to it, and even though it is pretty painful I am just learning to deal with it. Yes, it makes walking, sitting, standing, getting up, and getting out of bed difficult, but I guess I just assume things could be worse. I am NOT on bed rest, the babies and I are super healthy and there are no signs at this point that they are coming anytime soon, so the pain and soreness seems tolerable. Oh, I forgot to mention I also can't breathe very well anymore which more than anything else is just annoying. The babies have moved up so high that Baby B kicks my rib cage and gets her foot caught underneath of it. I know, yes, breathing is important, which is another reason why I can't do very much before I am winded and exhausted quickly. One set of stairs knocks me out for a good 15 minutes.
I continue to go to the chiropractor every week which seems to be doing a lot of good because I don't have much back pain at this point. I have also continued to get massages every 2 weeks, which feels amazing and I think helps my sore bones and muscles.
Justin had his annual boys baseball trip this past weekend to Philly. I think he had a great time and it gave me time to get those craft projects done and well as lots of stuff around the house. Funny thing is, I usually don't mind if he is gone out of town for a couple days, but this time I was a little panicked. I kept thinking all these bad things were going to happen, or I was going to go into labor while he was away and it was freaking me out!! I guess it is just my pregnancy brain on overdrive. But I told him I am hoping he doesn't have to go out of town anymore before the babies come because the anxiety is overwhelming for me.
The nursery isn't quite done yet, but I am hoping to have it completed by this week. Details, details people!! It has to look perfect before I photograph the final thing and show it to everyone. And remember I don't move very fast.
Well, it is short and sweet this week! Here is my belly picture for the week:
Babies are the size of Acorn squashes.
We have lots of exciting stuff going on the rest of the week, so I can't wait to update when I turn 30 weeks next week! Until then!
Jenny & Justin +5
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