Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's almost that time....

And I can't sleep.  And I am thirsty!  Why is it whenever they tell you that you can't have food or drink after a certain time, you all of a sudden are the hungriest and thirstiest you have ever been!? So annoying.

 As you can see I survived Monday and my 22 needle pokes.  The trigger shot was about the same as the morning shot I did and was quite tough to get to pierce the skin.  The nurse who draws my blood told me that is because your stomach starts to get tough and gets knots in it from all the injections, so that is the reason the needles get harder to push in, and your stomach gets sorer.  I know, Gross!!  I will stop because I am making myself sick typing it.

Today was a nice relaxing day with no injections (yay!) and I tried not to think about what is going to happen tomorrow, but it's hard not to.  I am more nervous about getting bad news than I am about the procedure or the IV poke.  I told Justin tonight, it seems crazy that we are at step 2 in the IVF process.  This isn't how I imagined I would feel, when I was thinking about it 8 months ago.  I thought it would mentally feel much more chaotic, and that I would be much crazier than I am. He he!  But I also had no idea that I was strong enough to go through this process.  I thought I would NEVER make it through that many needles.  I really thought I would die of fear first.  

Step 2 is kinda out of my hands.  I just have to hope my body made some perfect eggs and that my doctor is the best egg catcher out there.  Then I have to hope that Justin's sperm are looking good, and then I have to hope that the embryologist pairs them up just right and makes perfect embryos.  All this will happen in a 1hr period.  I know, crazy!  Then Thursday (24hrs after) we will have an update.  I don't want to think any further ahead than that for now.  Sorry, don't want to jump the gun.

I will try and update tomorrow about the egg retrieval, but I might be kind of out of it from the anesthesia, so it might be Thursday when I can update again.  We'll see how loopy I am.  Ok I have to get some rest, 530am is going to come quickly.  Love you all!


Blood draws 11 Vials 30
Injections 49
Acupuncture needles 16 (just Monday, too many to count in the last 18 months)
Total needle pokes for Monday 22! Holy cow!

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