Thursday, November 17, 2011

Step 2 update

Here is how things went on Wednesday. We got to the clinic about 7am and Justin was taken back shortly there after by the embryologist to get his sample. Enough said, I won't elaborate on that anymore. I was taken back about 720am and prepped for the procedure. I changed into my lovely hospital gown with the open back and hopped on the gurney. Justin hung out with me while we were waiting and about 745am the anesthesiologist lady was there to start my IV.

Here come the water works! She started asking me health questions and tears just started running down my face. I don't know why this happens every time I get an IV. All I can think is that when I am afraid or nervous, my natural instinct is to cry?! She asked me like 20 health questions and honestly I can't tell you one thing she asked me. All I know is I kept saying "No", so hopefully that was the right answer. After she was finished my crying ceased and we waited for the doctor to come brief us.

The doctor arrived about 8am and said we were ready to go! I walked into the procedure room on my own trying to hold the back of my gown closed for fear of mooning anyone. And then as soon as I layed down on the table the water works stared again. Must be a fear related response! Ugh, everyone there must think I am such a crybaby! And then, I was out.

I woke to the sound of lots of voices around me about 30 minutes later. I heard the doctor talking to Justin. I heard the embryologist talking to the lady on the gurney next to me hidden by only a curtain. I heard the nurses talking at their station close by.
I heard the doctor tell Justin he retrieved 2 eggs. I heard him say there was a 3rd follicle that had nothing in it. I then heard the embryologist tell the lady next to me she had like 12 eggs retrieved and 5 embryos. (she obviously was there for a transfer). Hearing these 2 conversations simultaneously while coming out of anesthesia apparently got me quite upset and I started crying hysterically. Because for some reason in my drugged up mind I thought they were going to get more than 2 eggs. But in a realistic sober state I was totally content with the fact that I knew we wouldn't get mores than 2 eggs.

Ok so after calming down I realized WE GOT 2 EGGS!! Yay!! That was great news! The nurse coordinator then came over to let me know we had to start the dreaded progesterone shots right now! So she rolled me over and drew a circle with a sharpie on both sides of my butt, to give Justin a reference for injection places. The nurse gave me the first one and showed Justin the procedure. It hurt, but not too bad because I was still pretty out of it from the drugs. But I was not looking forward to doing those daily, especially when I was not on anesthesia.

I went home by about 930am and spent the rest of Wednesday in bed relaxing. I was a little sore from the procedure, but not too bad. Thank you to Justin and his mom for taking care of me all day yesterday! Much appreciated!

I woke up this morning feeling better and a little less sore. I think I am just going to need to take it easy today as well.

I got a call from the embryologist about 830am this morning with news.......

He said that both eggs were fertilized yesterday, but one of the eggs was not mature and did not fertilize correctly. But the other one was mature and DID fertilize properly. So we have.....


Again, it isn't a lot, but it isn't zero. I was really hoping both would fertilize, but hey we really didn't have good percentages with only 2 eggs, so getting 1 is pretty good! All you need is one right!?

I was thinking this morning about the world series and how our local stl caridnals team this year had no chance of winning. And every time people thought the team was out they would come down to 1 strike or 1 out or 1 game and come back and win! And they went all the way and won the big game. It only takes 1 right! And it was the cardinals 11th championship in 2011. And you know my thing with 11's! I am taking it as a sign.

To add the the 11 superstitition our retrieval and embryos were created on 11/16/11. If you add those numbers together 1+1+1+6+1+1= Eleven. Kinda cool, huh!? I think so! Even the fact that it's 11/11 is pretty cool and good karma in my book. Ok, enough of my mumbo jumbo.

So we are a GO for an embryo transfer on Saturday. We won't know the grade or quality of the embryo until we get there on Saturday. They grade the embryos based on a list of characteristics and give it a grade just like in school. So obviously A+ is the best, and what I am hoping for. The grade is a good predictor of how well the embryo might perform and attach in the uterus. It is not a predictor of a healthy vs unhealthy baby.

So step 3 is getting the embryo to grow and be strong over the next 2 days in the lab. Step 4 will be the transfer. And step 5 is the dreaded 2 week wait to see if the embryo attaches and we indeed get pregnant.

In the meantime, we will continue to do the dreaded progesterone shots daily. Ugh! The first one on our own this morning was nerve-wrecking and again I got a little teary-eyed. Justin did a pretty good job, but I know he will get better as we do more. I just have to remember that the pain, fear, and soreness are going to seem so worth it and forgotten about so quickly when we are holding a baby.

Keep the good thoughts coming, but just change to lingo to strong, perfect embryo!!!

Blood draws 11 Vials 30
IV pokes 3
Injections 51

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you girl and praying for good embryos!! Be stong and continue to think positive!!! love ya!!
