Sunday, September 23, 2012

35 weeks pregnant.....

And I am officially 100% physically ready for the girls to be here and to not be pregnant anymore.  Mentally and emotionally I'm about 90% there or else I am just losing my mind due to hormones!  I have been a hot mess all weekend just emotional and crying cause I am very uncomfortable, sleep deprived, and just plain crazy!  Baby B is up really high in my belly and she is constantly making it hard to breathe and every time she moves it feels like my ribs are breaking.  I'm trying to be positive, but at this point it is extremely hard!!  I have not been able to go to sleep till like 2am several nights in a row, even with unisom, so thank goodness for my Ipad and Pinterest!

I spent Monday and Tuesday this week mostly relaxing and doing a couple tasks around the house.  I was pretty tired both days and my energy level was quite low.

Wednesday was Justin and my 3rd Anniversary!  Wow, can't believe it has been 3 years already!  For some reason I had quite a lot of energy today and felt good so I took advantage of that and I ran several errands during the day while he was at work.  We decided that we would just do a mellow dinner tonight of pizza and salad and celebrate more on Thursday evening.  Justin did surprise me though with a beautiful diamond locket necklace for my anniversary gift!  It is beautiful and perfect to put a picture of the girls or all 7 of us in it.  I just have to figure out how to get a picture that small. I love it and it was a perfect anniversary gift with the girls coming soon.

Our 3rd Anniversary spent at home

The beautiful vintage-style locket Justin got me for our anniversary!  Love it!

And my beautiful flowers for our anniversary!  What a sweet husband I have!

Thursday was again our weekly doctor appointment and ultrasound. We just had to do the routine ultrasound and biophysical which should be quick and easy by now, but every week there is less and less room in my belly, so determining whose body parts are whose is getting tough and for some reason the girls like to play shy whenever I get into the ultrasound room.  They could be crazy in my belly and the second I get in there they go to sleep.  Anyway, we finally got it completed and everything looks great, but babies both continue to be in breech and transverse positions, so that means the csection is still on.  Oh, and funny thing Baby A is folded completely in half and her one foot is over her head and she is holding onto her leg.  Definitely have a gymnast on our hands!

Profile pic of Baby A and her lips is all we could get this week

We saw Missy this week and discussed several things.
1. The protein in my urine sample is gone, so the possibility of maybe having preeclampsia is not an issue anymore.
2. My swelling had gone down quite a bit in my ankles, feet and hands since my last appointment.  Missy said it is normal and it might return or it might not. (FYI, it has returned as of Sunday)
3.  I lost 2lbs this week, probably due to the swelling subsiding temporarily, but nothing to worry about, so total weight gain is 27lbs and my belly is measuring a whopping 45cm.
4.  I told Missy my anxiety about surgery and needles etc, so she went through step by step from the moment we arrive at the hospital what will happen for a normal routine csection of twins.  She also mentioned things what could happen if the girls need extra help or care.  It did make me feel somewhat better to wrap my brain around what will happen, but I'm still nervous about the whole ordeal.
5.  Then she did a swab culture test for strep B, which if I have it, it can be passed onto the babies during delivery, so I would need to go on an antibiotic.  Not sure when I will get those results.  She also checked my cervix to see if I was dilated at all and she said no I am not at all.  She asked about contractions and I said I still just continue to have the tightening ones several times a day, but nothing painful or with cramps or back pain, which she said is awesome for this point being pregnant with twins.  

Sooooo, I think that is about it for the doctor appointment.  Everything looks really good and we will not do another weight/growth check before they are born because they were a really good size at the last check.  I will have one last appointment and ultrasound next Thursday and as long as everything continues to be normal and uneventful the next time we will see the doctor will be the day the babies are born.

After our appointment Justin and I continued our anniversary celebration and got a couples massage.  I was really looking forward to it, except for the fact that I specifically told the spa I did not want the same girl I had 2 weeks ago.  They told me it was someone else, and what do you know we walk in and who comes to get me for my massage, but the same freaking girl!!!!  Ugh,  I was pissed, but at that point what am I going to do?  There was no one else there to choose from and  I wanted a massage because my body hurts so bad..... so crappy massage or nothing??? once again I got a massage from this girl who massaged me like I have coodies or something.  Needless to say, we have decided we will not be returning to this spa, which sucks cause we have consistently been going there and had good service up until about the last 6 months.  Maybe it's just my crazy pregnancy hormones being picky, who knows! But this spa has been voted off the island.

Justin and I then continued the celebration at home with a fondue anniversary dinner with cheese and chocolate!  It was yummy and delicious!  The only thing missing was the champagne.  It was different this year celebrating at home because we usually go out to a big dinner or head to the winery where we got married, but the mellowness of this year was a nice change, at least for me because going out to dinner is a big task at this point and I'm just plain tired (and I don't really have any cute clothes left that are long enough). 

Justin celebrated his 22nd (32nd) birthday on Friday!  I love it that he is catching up to me in age!!  We both say now that we are celebrating our 22nd birthday over and over and will always be 22!!  It feels much better than saying we are in our 30's.  We celebrated that evening with some of his family at his Aunt's house.  I felt pretty good all day that day and evening and it was nice to see his family and enjoy the nice cooler weather we have been having here all week. Thank you weather gods for helping my swelling go down temporarily.

Justin's Birthday

So that leads me back to the first part of this blog.  Yesterday and today (Sunday) I have just been VERY uncomfortable and emotional (like uncontrollable crying).  I am so grateful to have made it this far with no health issues and healthy babies as well, but wow, I am glad there is an end in sight!!!!!!  10 more days!!!!!  So for the next 10 days I just want someone (hint hint Justin) to cuddle me, hug me, wait on me hand and foot, carry me everywhere, and feed me when I'm hungry.  Is that asking too much?  I would also like that masseuse lady from Denver that gave me the best massage of my life to come into town and massage me everyday for the next 10 days. Is that possible? Someone please say yes!!  

The best part about feeling emotionally and physically overwhelmed and out of control at this point is that I am now feeling more excited and ready to meet the girls!  For a long time I think I have been mentioning I couldn't wrap my brain around them being here, but now I can't wrap my brain around being pregnant anymore than 10 more days, so the thought that them being here means I won't be pregnant anymore excites me!  It's funny how that mind transition just kind of happened the last couple days, cause I didn't think it would.  

I realized I forgot to post a picture of my final nursery room craft project, which was a hat tree to hold all the little hats and beanies I have for the girls.  I love it!  Thanks mom for all your help making it!

My original design!  Love it!  It only holds 12 hats, but I have like 30 for the girls to wear.

It is now time to try and get up out of this chair, and make my way upstairs and try to get comfortable and get some sleep!  10 days people, 10 days!!!

Oh, and here come the belly photos:

Wow, that is what I look like after crying for hours today.  Sorry if I scared anyone!

The front view which gives you a better perspective!  Again, WOW!

Lots of love-
Jenny & Justin +5

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