Tuesday, September 11, 2012

4 weeks to go!

4 weeks to go! (As of our last doctor appt on Sept 6th)

Yes people that's what I said!! Let me say it a little louder, WE HAVE 4 WEEKS UNTIL THE BABIES ARRIVE!  I am 33 weeks pregnant this week and feeling every bit of it.  

My swelling has increased in my feet and my face (so please no more pictures).  My right foot seems to now be in competition with my left foot for which can be more swollen.  They don't hurt or anything, they just look like big foot feet.  The pain in my pelvis also has increased and getting up or rolling over or walking or moving is quite painful.  And, like always there are many other pregnancy sides effects like the carpal tunnel in my hands, and peeing all the time, and being out of breath and exhausted.  But like I have always said, overall it isn't much to complain about and I am just so happy that I am healthy and the babies are growing strong and healthy.  I'll take what feels like a broken pelvis as long as they are ok.  I do have my weak moments where I just start crying, sometimes because everything hurts and sometimes I have no idea why I am crying.  I do feel like the more I keep busy and move actually the better I feel and the more I just lay down for long periods the stiffer my muscles, bones and joints get and the more they hurt.  I don't want to sound negative and I hope I am not coming off that way, but I just want to be honest about the physical things I am feeling along the way and express my true emotions.  Most people have told me I look great and don't look at all like I am carrying twins.  Not sure if they are just lying to be nice, but either way I'll take the compliments.

On Wednesday morning last week, Justin and I headed to what was our 5th pediatrician.  Having not been 100% on numbers 1-4, we decided to give it one last shot. (thank you Maggie for the recommendation) And......we loved #5 who is a younger female pediatrician, in a group practice, who doesn't use nurse practitioners, who is affiliated with our hospital where we are delivering, so she will come to the hospital, and whose office is 5 minutes from our house!  We both loved her and she met all of our criteria, so Yay!!!  Cross it off the list, deep breath.

Wednesday I also went and got a massage which was nice, but I think the masseuse was afraid to touch me cause I look so pregnant, so it wasn't that great of a massage, which is not something I thought I would ever say about a massage.  Who doesn't like a massage? Ha, well apparently this girl!

Wednesday was a packed day and Justin and I went that evening and made a ton of meals that we can freeze and then cook once the babies arrive.  The place is awesome and if you haven't ever been the place is called Time for Dinner.  Their recipes are amazing, super easy to prep, and then you just pop them in the oven.  We made 28 dinners and 16 breakfasts for $200.  Super good deal and no stress when we want a good dinner.

On Thursday we had our weekly dr appointment and ultrasound.  Ultrasound was first like always and Shana was back, which was a relief!  She told us on top of doing the regular stuff, we would also be doing something called a Bio-something?? Ha, I can't remember what it was called, so I'll update with the actual name next blog.  Ha, anyway the bio-thing has 4 components.  Within a 30 minute time period she has to visually see each baby practice breathing, kick or have a large body movement, have ample amniotic fluid and a good heartbeat.  I don't think they usually do this with single healthy baby pregnancies, but apparently with multiples this is quite a common test.  Well, both babies passed with flying colors, so again, big deep breath.  And all of the other regular measurements and tests look totally normal and good as well.  Oh, Justin just told me the test is called a Biophysical.

We saw Missy this week instead of the doctor, which again is always great with us.  She asked how I was feeling and I am always brutally honest and tell her all about my aches and pains and she always says that they are all normal and nothing to worry about.  She brought up the whole delivery issue and we told her about the conversation we had with the doctor last week.  She said that was great that we had opened our mind to all options for delivery, but after today's ultrasound and how far along I am it looks like the babies are going to be making the decision because Baby A is still breech, and Baby B is transverse, which means neither are in position to deliver vaginally and have been in those positions for many weeks now.

I think this is a profile picture of Baby B, but it is hard to tell because she is so squished in there.

  And with them only getting bigger by the minute, there really isn't much chance that they will both turn around, just because of the space constraint, aka my belly doesn't have any more room.  So, with only a little over 4 weeks to go at the time of the appointment, she decided it would be best to tentatively schedule a date for c-section delivery.  She said we can always cancel it, change it or whatever, but getting it on the books with the hospital is good.  She checked with the doctor before we left and told us that he likes to deliver twins between 36-37 weeks and told us our tentative date is October 3rd.  It could happen before that if I go into labor anytime after Sept 23rd, but if I went into labor before Sept 23rd they would most likely stop it because it is a little too early.  We will confirm the October 3rd date at our next appointment, but I'm thinking that is going to be the day.  Wow, as I type this that means we have 22 days until the girls arrive, WOW!!!

Oh and I gained another 2lbs this week for a total gain of 28lbs, and my belly is measuring.....wait for it......41cm!!!  Yes, I am over term at 32.5 weeks ha ha ha!

Thought you would like to see my belly body guard.  If Justin tries to put his hand on my belly she goes after it! Hilarious!

My mom and stepdad Bruce came in town Friday for a long weekend to help us get all the last minute things done for the babies and around the house.  We spent Friday afternoon installing video camera monitors and fixing our TV's, (well Bruce installed and fixed them while I supervised from my glider), and mom and Justin put together the bouncer and the swing.  Saturday, my furry baby Annie got to get her staples out, FINALLY!!  Yay!  She was so happy, except for the fact that she had to wear the cone 1 more day to let things heal 24 hours more after the staple removal.  Then Saturday afternoon my mom, Justin and myself headed to Target for a stock up trip, so that we will have an ample supply of toiletries, dry food items, household products, you get the idea.  Well, I'm pretty sure we looked like those crazy people on that extreme couponing show because we had 2 carts FULL of stuff!  Oh, I forgot to mention I decided to utilize one of those scooter carts at Target which was hilarious, because when we were almost done, my scooter cart died (not sure if it was because my basket was so loaded down or what), so Justin ended up having to push his cart which was overflowing against the back of my scooter to make it to the checkout.  The girl who checked us out asked us why we were buying so much stuff and I just pointed to my large belly.  Oh, also I forgot to mention I had planned this trip for many weeks and had a coupon for 95% of the items we were buying, so the coupon scanning took about as long as scanning all of the items did.  The checkout girl asked me if I was an extreme couponer and one man even walked up behind us in line and asked if this was some sort of TV show.  I just kept laughing though the whole thing.  But in the end, my coupons saved us $70, so I was happy and we now have a stockpile to last us a couple months.
I could not stop laughing!  Justin got his workout for the day.

 Sunday we went to brunch with my mom and Bruce and then hung out and finished up some more house/baby projects and my last craft project.  Whew!  I think I can honestly say, we are done and ready for these babies to arrive.  Well..... at least the house is ready and we have supplies coming out our ears.  Thank you mom and Bruce for all your help!  We couldn't have done it without you!

 Monday and today I got to have lunch with some of my girlfriends which was really nice and just chatting and hanging out with them is relaxing!  Today, I also got to go have my hair done with my amazing hairstylist, Trish!  So I now have a new cut and beachy colored locks and am ready to look good when I head to the hospital.  It makes me feel a little better when I look at myself in the mirror and try to focus on my hair rather than how swollen I think my face looks.  He he!!  Thanks Trish!  I always love going to get my hair done with her because it is so relaxing and we just chat it up the whole time.  It really makes me feel good!

So I think that catches me up for the week.  We have a busy week or two coming up with another doctor appt, our anniversary, and Justin's birthday.  Never a dull moment around here!  

Here are my belly pictures for the week:

Mom and my belly.  It looks as big as she is, Ha ha!

Yea, I didn't know what a Durian fruit was either, so Google it.

Love to everyone!

Jenny & Justin +5

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