Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I have never said these words.....

I AM PREGNANT!!!!!! And I never thought I would! It is unbelievable and I think I am still in shock! I never thought this day would come. Justin and I are so happy we just constantly look at each other and say, "can you believe it?".

So let me back up for one minute and let you know about the days leading up to this awesome day.

The 2 week wait was the longest 2 weeks of my life!!!! I was crabby, moody, nervous, and every other awful emotion there is. I snapped at Justin a handful of times and at some points I thought about locking myself in a padded room for the safety of others, and for the sake of my marriage. I am happy to report Justin survived my madness, and we are still married. Wanna test your marriage and how strong it is? Go through this process.

We had finally made it to this past Sunday the 19th and I decided after reading several things online that if I was pregnant a pregnancy test would be positive by this time. And so at 11pm on Sunday night (Justin had gone to bed), I quietly went into the bathroom and did a test. And I told myself I had seen so many negative tests in the past, that I would just set the stick aside and wait the full 3 minutes before looking. Do you think that's what I did? Nope! I waited a whole 10 seconds and looked over and saw 2 bold strong pink lines. I immediately started yelling, "Holy shit" over and over. I walked into the bedroom turned on the light and said to Justin, "holy shit look at this." Little did I know he had taken cold medicine and was totally out of it when I woke him up. He grabbed the stick and said "what is this? What am I looking at? I was not thinking he was a guy, half asleep and on cold medicine and who had never read a pregnancy test. So I just kept saying "holy shit, look at it!!" and he was like "what am I looking at?".

I finally calmed down and told him it was positive and he immediately hugged me and we cried for about 10 minutes. Then we looked at each other and continued to say holy shit for about the next hour. And, "can you believe it? Does it seem real? No, it doesn't. Does it seem real to you?

Needless to say I could not sleep after that and was up till 4am just excited! I woke up at 6am to get my daily progesterone shot and decided to do another test and once again it was positive within 10 seconds. Yay! And the excitement started all over and I couldn't go back to sleep.

I spent all day Monday excited and nervous and wanting to tell someone besides Justin, but we agreed that we should wait till the blood test confirmation today before we tell anyone. Sorry Mom! I took another test this morning (I mean why not, right!?) and got my third confirmation that I was pregnant. Honestly I could take one of those everyday for the entire pregnancy, because those 2 little lines make me so happy!

This morning at 9am we went to the doctors office to have my blood test done. I had decided I would attatch my 3 pregnancy tests to a piece of cardboard and stick it in a plastic ziplock bag, like some weird art project and take it with me to the appt. We walked back to where the nurses were and Shawnee was standing there and I said hey I wanna show you something, and I pulled out my crazy art project and she screamed and grabbed me and hugged me for like 5 minutes! All the other nurses came over and were so excited for us and hugging us. Then the doctor came back to where we were because he could hear the commotion and said what's going on? I showed him the tests and he grabbed Justin and gave him a big hug and me the same. He said this was the best news and that since we were voted as the staffs' favorite couple, we had made everyones year! It was really nice to hear how much everyone there was rooting for us!

So I did the blood test and honestly I was so consumed with everyone's reaction to my news I barely flinched at the blood draw needle. Shawnee said she would put a rush on it and call me within 2-4 hours.

She called in 2 hours! She said I am just calling to confirm what you already know! Awesome! And she said I have some results on your levels that we tested. Note: when they do a blood pregnancy test it measures your progesterone level and hcg level. She said my progesterone level looked great, but that I still had to continue to take the daily injections until further notice. Then she said that the hcg level determines how things are progressing. A normal hcg level for 13 days past transfer is 100-200. Mine is at 846. Yes, that's right I said 846!!!! What does that mean? It means we MIGHT have more than one baby in there. It isn't 100%, but the chances are much higher to be carrying multiples with high hcg levels like mine.

What's next? Well, I'll try and soak it all in and enjoy saying, I'm pregnant!

Then another blood test this Thursday to look at my hcg level again. This second test will also be another good indicator of how many are in the oven.

Then a week from Friday, which is march 2nd we will go in for our first ultrasound and we will see how many babies are in there! Yes, another waiting game, but this time any news is good news, so no stress or crazy Jenny. The ultrasound will also give us a better idea too of due dates and moving forward what the plan is. We will continue to stay with our clinic for at least another few weeks until we are turned over to a high risk Obgyn.

I think that's all for now. We are just so excited, greatful, happy and over the moon! And we have to say that we couldn't have made it this far without all the love and support, prayers, positive energy, kind words and thoughts, emails and texts, and just being surrounded by all of you wonderful people!

One last thing I must say. This is very early to be telling people. But because we have invited everyone in on our journey we felt like we wanted to let everyone know right away. So please continue to send us positive energy to get to the safety point.

Injections: 131
Blood draw vials: 41


  1. Praise the Author of miracles! We'll continue to pray for your family.

  2. Congrats to you both! We are praying for a safe and smooth pregnancy. Love Lianne and Mark
