Monday, April 9, 2012

11 week belly photo AND 4 more injections!!!

Yes, that's what I said, 4 MORE INJECTIONS!!!  Today was my first day of not having to get stabbed with a needle at 7am.  It was amazing!  As I said in my last blog we started the weaning process yesterday and it will end on Sunday April 22nd.  But after getting an injection everyday for the last 2 and a half months it almost seemed weird not to wake up to my shot alarm, warm up the oil, prepare the shot, and then let the anxiety kick in.  It has almost become routine which is weird!  And something I NEVER thought I would say.  But I am SOOOO grateful that is doesn't have to be my routine for much longer.  I told my mom the other day I never thought I would survive this process, NEVER!  And guess what, I have.  Crazy!  I remember a long time ago I said to someone that if I ever became diabetic I would die because there is no way I could get injections everyday.  Well I would like to retract that statement.  I now know how strong I am, and if it comes down to it, you just do it.....WHY?.......because that's what you have to do.  You put your fear aside and whether those needles are to help keep you alive, or 2 little babies, you just do it.  Period.

So here I am at week 11 and 1 day pregnant today.  Whew, it feels like it took forever to get here, but I know I still have a long way to go.  6 more days until I reach the beginning of 12 weeks!  I am really excited to reach that milestone because it means the chances for miscarriage drop drastically and we will be in a safer zone.  I am hoping it also means the end will be near for the nausea and exhaustion.  Please, please, please!!!  I have also given myself permission to start shopping and buying things after the 12 week mark.  Yay!!  You know how I love shopping.  Look out!!

11 week belly photo:

How far along?  11 weeks 1 day today
Total weight gain/loss: Don't know, will probably find out more about this at my OBGYN appt Wednesday the 11th
Maternity clothes?  Rubberbands on the buttons of my jeans, pants are just uncomfortable, loving dresses
Stretch marks?  No thank you
Sleep: Sleeping better, not waking up as much at night to go to the bathroom, thank you!!
Best moment this week:  So far it is not having to get a shot this morning
Have you told family and friends: yes, but 1 more week and then I'll let People magazine release the story, he he!!
Miss Anything? Not so far this week
Movement: Saw the little buggers moving like crazy on the screen, but I haven't felt anything yet
Food cravings?  Loving popcicles, especially bomb pops, and crusty baguettes from whole foods
Anything making you queasy or sick: All other food still sounds pretty gross, so please stop describing food items.... (Justin!!) he he!
Have you started to show yet: I feel like it's getting bigger.  Ok, I just compared 8 weeks to today and definitely notice a difference.
Gender prediction: I think something different everyday. But remember how I like to think the opposite?  Well that is what I have been doing in hopes that I am wrong.
Labor Signs:   NO
Belly Button in or out? IN
Wedding rings on or off? ON
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time, but my memory is shot.  Baby brain is in full effect.  
Weekly Wisdom: You are a lot stronger than you think you are and can handle a lot more than you think you can.  And once you come out on the other side, it seems a lot less horrible than you thought it would be.  
Looking forward to: Our first OBGYN visit Wednesday and getting the wood floors redone in our house Wednesday.  Gonna be a big day!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you're definitely starting to show! So thrilled for you.
