Monday, April 30, 2012

Officially 2nd trimester- 14 week belly photo

Sorry I didn't update last week after our NT ultrasound screening.  Between nausea, and having my handyman here working on the nursery and then my birthday on Thursday it was quite a busy week.  The screening last Tuesday was fairly painless.  The ultrasound tech, her name is Jessica, not whatever I said it was before, was in a super crabby mood when we arrived, Awesome!  Justin and I immediately looked at each other and decided we would kill her with kindness and laughter to try and soften her up.  And guess what.....I think our plan seems to be working!  We are slowly cracking that egg.  Anyway it was pretty much a normal ultrasound except for she was looking for certain things.  A measurement on the back of the neck, (which is not easy to get when the babies keep flipping), and nasal bones.  Apparently, many babies who have chromosome defects are born without a nasal bone.  And our neck measurements came back at 1.0 and 1.1.  The tech said anything below 3.0 is normal and we were way below that mark and should have nothing to worry about, but the results from this and a blood test they took after the ultrasound will be back in a week to confirm.  Well since it took me so long to update, that means that our results should be back tomorrow.

This past week has been filled with moments where I feel good for a day and then the next day or 36 hours after I feel horrible!  I mean, in bed all day and night, no showering (Ewww!), nausea, headaches and many moments of tears because I don't know what to do and I feel helpless.  I know, I know I asked for all of this, and I know many women go through this, but I will just say it again.......This is much harder than I imagined!  I try and get as much done as possible on days when I feel good, because I never know what the next day will bring.  Eating is a whole other issue!  I can eat most days during the day just fine, but night time is miserable trying to force myself to eat something.  KFC mashed potatoes and gravy have become my new friend, and if I can't get anything else down, my wonderful husband will run to KFC for me and bring me home a large order.  Yes, that's right a large order all for myself.  Hey, at this point whatever works, right!?  I am hoping since I am in my 2nd trimester, this will start to taper off soon???  Please please please!!!

On the nursery front, we got some major things done this week to get the room ready.  Our handyman, Jerry, who is amazing, installed a new silver ceiling fan in the nursery.  He also installed white crown moulding in the room and painted.  Can't remember if I said already but we went with a light-medium grey color for the walls.  He also installed new white levolor blinds in the room, and we had him take out the shower doors in our guest bathroom so it would be easier to bathe the babies.  I will take a picture of the nursery this week to show the progress so far and post it later in the week.  (Too tired to run upstairs and do it now, sorry!)

We are headed to the doctor Thursday this week for our 2 week appointment.  Here is my belly picture:

Please disregard the red marks on the side of my belly. They are indentations from my sweatshirt from laying down, not some weird rash or something, he he!  Ugh, and I have fat arm in this picture, yuck!

How far along?   14 weeks, 2 days today
Total weight gain/loss:  I will find out Thursday
Maternity clothes? Yes!  And thank you Osman for the maternity jeans and bag of clothes!
Stretch marks?  Nope, please please stay away!
Sleep:  Still weird and at weird times
Best moment this week:  My birthday on Thursday.  Can't believe I am 33!!  Holy crap!  My husband took me to an awesome dinner and bought me some beautiful gifts!  Thank babe!
Have you told family and friends:   Feel like I should remove this question
Miss Anything?   Feeling normal with no upset stomach, and my sanity
Movement:   Not yet, should be soon......
Food cravings?  Thank you KFC!  Wouldn't consider it a craving as much as food my stomach will tolerate
Anything making you queasy or sick:   The 2 babies in my belly
Have you started to show yet:   Yep.  It feels much bigger than it looks
Gender prediction:  Still going with one of each
Labor Signs: NO
Belly Button in or out?  IN
Wedding rings on or off? ON
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy on non-nausea days, very sad and emotional on nausea filled days
Weekly Wisdom:  If there is a moment where you don't have nausea make sure your list of to-do's is ready to go, because who knows when it may strike! 
Looking forward to:  Not being nauseous??  Will that day ever come??  Please!!  Everyone put your nausea prayers out there. please!!!!

Jenny & Justin +2 (+3 furry)

1 comment:

  1. Good idea on the shower doors. When we visit my mother-in-law, it is HARD to bathe the girls together (which we always do still, even though they are 18 months apart) with the doors in the way. We have a shower curtain here at home. I would recommend taking the whole thing OUT of the shower when bathing them though, for several reasons.
