Saturday, March 17, 2012

Each week is something new!

And I thought I was just going to sneak by with no pregnancy symptoms!  Ha!  Along with feeling like my abdomen is just angry, I started feeling kinda nauseous on Tuesday.  It continued into Tuesday evening and I had a very hard time sleeping on Tuesday night between my upset stomach and having to go to the bathroom about 5 times a night.  Wednesday morning I still felt sick and anything related to food just sounded gross.  I was forcing myself to eat things just to get something in my stomach, but man it was hard.  Wednesday night was no better and I was up most of the night.  Again, Thursday I felt sick most of the day.  So as you can imagine, I did next to nothing all week except lay around in my pajamas.  When my stomach hurts, I am down for the count.
I spoke to several friends who told me that they also had started to experience nausea around this 7 week mark.  Most said it continued through their first trimester.  Ugh, I don't know if I can handle 5 more weeks of this nausea stuff.  It just makes your mind, body and spirit feel weak.  And you know I am not one to sit around and do nothing.  I always have to be on the move, so to not do anything all week was killing me mentally.

We headed to the doctor yesterday (Friday 16th) for our weekly ultrasound appt.  I was feeling really crappy again all morning and as we drove to the appt I tried to force down some saltines and ginger snaps.  When we arrived the receptionist asked how I was feeling and I said horrible and she said, "Great!".  Because you know they want you to feel bad because they say it's a good sign of pregnancy.  Ugh, whatever!

We got into the room and waited for the doctor and he poked his head in and asked if it was ok for a medical student to be in the room for the ultrasound.  I said well at this point so many people have seen "IT" why not one more, right!?  We all got a laugh out of that.
He started the ultrasound and the first thing we noticed is how big the 2 babies are getting in comparison to the screen.  The doctor said in probably 2 more weeks they both won't fit in one frame together.  He said they both look great in size and both measured within a day or 2 of each other as far as growth.  Baby A again was much more cooperative and easy to measure and get a heartbeat on.  The heartrate this week for Baby A was 165bpm.  Baby B was much harder, but after some maneuvering we were able to figure out it was about 160bpm.  He said both heartbeats look great and strong.  He said the 3rd mass fluid/bloodclot/mystery thing is still there but seems to be disseminating and getting smaller over time.  He didn't seem to be worried about it.

He asked me how I was feeling and I said awful.  And he just casually says, that's great, but I'll have shawnee call you in a prescription for some anti-nausea tablets.  UMMM, what??  They have something that can make me feel not so awful??  I had no idea!!  He said of course.  He said he gives it to most of his patients who have nausea and it works great and isn't harmful to the babies. Wow, if I had known this I would have called Tuesday when the nausea started.  Anyway, I ran straight to the pharmacy on the way home and popped 2 of those little magic dissolvable pills on my tongue and it was instant relief.  ahhh, so nice!

We then talked to the doctor again about transferring to my OBGYN.  And I asked some questions about being high risk, getting extra attention, and if I would be going in more frequently for check-ups than someone with just one baby, or someone who hadn't gone through IVF.  The doctor said yes, I am high-risk, and yes I should be getting extra attention, and yes I should be going in every 2 weeks as opposed to once a month like normal patients.  He said when I transferred back to my OBGYN, I should make sure that she is going to provide that level of care, and if I didn't feel that she was, then it is my right to choose someone else and he would recommend that person.  That made me feel good.  We have just been so spoiled at the fertility clinic, I just want to make sure that continues when we transfer.

So I think that is all for this weeks news.  But I wanted to get you all up to speed with our weekly ultrasound pictures I have been talking about and also our weekly belly pictures we started a week ago at the beginning of week 6.  I would have updated these earlier, but honestly I just figured out how to post pictures on this blog.  So I will post each weeks ultrasound photo up until yesterdays, and then our week 6 and week 7 belly photos.  I am going to try and post a belly picture every week starting on Sundays and then our weekly or bi-weekly ultrasound photos as well.  This will just be the one catch-up blog.

So here goes:
My strange looking craft project of pregnancy tests.
Our 2 embryos just hanging out before the transfer.
Here is the picture of the 2 embryos after transfer, inside my uterus.  Pretty freaking cool, huh!?
The little white area inside the heart.

Our first ultrasound photo.  This would be around 5 1/2 weeks along.  You can see it is obviously twins, but notice the 3rd blob on the right.  They disregarded me at this appointment when I mentioned it.
This is 6 weeks along.  Anything you might think is the beginning of a pregnancy belly is not.    It is from the steroids, swollen from injections, and pizza.
Our 2nd ultrasound.  Remember this appointment was not planned, because I had to go in unexpectedly that Monday.   See the owl face.  I mean to me that looks like triplets.  Now you know why I was freaking out!!!

Here is our 3rd ultrasound visit on March 9th.  As you can see the 3rd blob has disappeared, which made me take a big deep breath!  Baby A is on the left and Baby B is on the right.  Baby B is hidden behind the circular yolk sac which is why it is harder to see.

This is the start of 7 weeks.  Ok, yea maybe it is starting to stick out a little bit.  Could be more than just pizza in there!!  Actually pizza is on my gross list right now.  And cheese!  Yuck!  Didn't think those words would ever come out of my mouth.

Our most recent ultrasound at 7.5 weeks.  The images didn't seem as clear this week, but the doctor said that is because everything is getting so big in there.

Ok, so that gets you up to date with everything.  I also found a cute little questionnaire to fill out every week with my weekly belly photo, so I'll start including that in the 8 week shot.  It asks things like food aversions, cravings, etc.
Whew, I am exhausted.  I think it is nap time.  Oh yea did I forget to mention, I am exhausted constantly??  I think I sleep more than I am awake these days.  So if you call me or text me and it takes me several hours or days to get back to you, it's not because I am ignoring you, I am probably just sleeping.

Jenny & Justin +2 (+3 furry)
Injections: 156

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