Sunday, March 25, 2012

Gummy Bears

This week has been great compared to last week.  The nausea pills (Zofram) are keeping me sane and keeping the nausea at bay for the most part.  I still get an upset stomach every once in awhile.  I tried to stay busy all week which included organizing numerous drawers, closets, and cabinets around the house.  I also had lunches with girlfriends, and a girls dinner.

I also got to have a short visit with my dad and step-mom on Wednesday when they were driving through town, which was nice.  We also celebrated Annie's 10th birthday on Saturday with iced doggie bones for all 3 furry babies.

We went in on Friday for our 2nd to last ultrasound with the fertility clinic.   I know our time with the clinic is coming to the end and I am struggling with moving forward to another doctor.  We have become so close to the doctor and staff.  I know next week a lot of tears will be shed.

So we began like usual and started the ultrasound just looking at the babies.  They look so much bigger each week! This week especially they actually looked kinda human, but more like gummy bears which was really funny and cool.  The doctor measured Baby A and said it was right on target with being about 8 weeks 5 days pregnant.  He then measured the heartbeat and it was 180bpm.  Next up, the stubborn Baby B.  Once again this one makes everything difficult.  Measuring is hard because it is faced the opposite direction which also makes measuring a heartbeat hard.  Finally we got it and Baby B is measuring a couple days behind Baby A which is normal, and it's heartbeat was around 177-180bpm.

The doctor then went back to looking at Baby A and we started trying to see if we could see it move.  I would poke on the outside of my stomach and you could see my poking moving the gummy bear baby and then the baby would respond and wiggle and it's little nubbin arms would flap.  Ha! Sorry, that's the best way I can describe it so you can visualize it.  It was so cool to watch!  The doctor said the pregnancy looks perfect so far and that he has not been happier about a patients outcome in a long time.  That was music to my ears.  Thank goodness for that perfect uterus of mine, he he!

When we were done the doctor told us how he was going to apply for a grant to see if he could get some of the drug companies on board to study what he did with us on other low responder, low egg reserve, low AMH patients.  He was very excited and said he already had several new patients in mind for the study.

Justin and I both again expressed how sad we were knowing that next week would be our last appointment.  Both the doctor and Shawnee said they felt the same.  I also found out that in about 10 days I will start tapering off of the steroid predisone that I have been taking as well as the progesterone daily injection.  I will gradually take smaller and smaller doses until I reach 12 weeks of pregnancy, which I think I said was April 15th.  So after that date I will be off all meds and only be taking vitamins, folic acid and baby aspirin.  Pretty much what a normal pregnant person would be taking!  Yay! I'll be normal!  22 more days!

On a sad note.....Justin's grandpa passed away this morning (Sunday).  He had been sick for a couple weeks.  We are very sad to see him go, but we are glad he is at peace, and encouraged by the fact that he was SO excited to find out that we were pregnant several weeks ago.  I think knowing we overcame our struggle gave him some peace.  And we will make sure that our babies know all of our grandparents and the great people they are and were.

Below are the ultrasound pictures from Friday.  Both babies will not fit in one picture anymore, so you get 2 pictures.

This is Baby A above.  See the little nubbins for arms? So cute!

This is Baby B the one that likes to hide and be stubborn.

Today I begin 9 weeks of pregnancy.  Here is the belly picture from today:

How far along?  9 weeks today!!
Total weight gain/loss: Havent asked yet.  Guess I'll start asking soon.
Maternity clothes?  Bought some tank tops and a belly band, but they are too big to wear yet.
Stretch marks? Nope, still using the cream religiously twice a day.
Sleep:  Same as last week. Hard to fall asleep, but sleep well once I do.  Crazy dreams!!
Best moment this week:  Seeing Gummy bear baby A move
Have you told family and friends:  Not worldwide yet....3 more weeks!!
Miss Anything? My energy level
Movement:   Not yet
Food cravings?  Nachos, French toast
Anything making you queasy or sick:  pizza, broccoli
Have you started to show yet: judge for yourself above
Gender prediction:  still not going there
Labor Signs:   Heck no
Belly Button in or out?  In
Wedding rings on or off?  On
Happy or Moody most of the time:   I have snapped at Justin a couple times about really stupid things, other than that I am very happy.  I think I got all the nasty hormone emotions out during the initial stimulating injection hormones.
Weekly Wisdom:   I am so glad we told friends and family early so that all of you could follow in the happy, sad, scary and exciting moments of our journey.  I am especially glad Justin's grandpa was here to be a part of our joy.  So I guess the wisdom for the week is, "don't wait!!"
Looking forward to:  Every stinking moment!

Until next week!
Jenny & Justin +2 (+3 furry)
Injections: 164

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